Tuesday, October 14, 2008

my article samples


Sometimes you look at some people and you wonder: what is special about this person? what does he/she have that I do not ? What makes people mill around him/her? These and a barrage of other questions cloud our minds when we see someone who seems to have it all. At times it is not that the person is excessively attractive, but there is just some thing we can’t place.

The good news is that wherever we are, we can learn to win the admiration or respect of people around us without too much effort. Those that appear to have it all do some things subconsciously. Some of these things will be brought to our knowledge in this write up.

First of all, our appearance is the first thing people notice about us. Funny enough you might not be too blessed in the Department of looks, but at least you can put on nice and attractive clothing, you do have control over that. Investing in good clothing is not a luxury, it is a necessity. We all have to put on cloths. It also helps to boost confidence when you are well dressed. Our cloths and shoes go a long way in the way people perceive us. If you dress like you don’t care or you are poor, you probably are. It is therefore important to “dress the part”, people are attracted to success.

It is of utmost importance to be unattached to the outcome. There is intense power in not having too many expectations. It helps to focus most especially on the most important things at the right time. People might not start noticing you as soon as you start dressing well,( of course they never noticed you before) and throughout those times, your obscurity never altered your personality. Why must you now fall to pieces because you expect something you are not used to, to happen, and it has not happened .The reality is ,it is a process. Do not allow your anxiety and expectations to create mental blocks that will impede your progress.

In place of anxiety and expectations, maintain an upbeat personality. People are drawn to happiness, not misery. They tend to think your own happiness will rub off on them. An upbeat personality is attainable. To do this, take a moment to meditate on the good times in your life and be thankful for those times. Of course there will be some dark moments, but take time to focus more on the good times. Anything you focus on magnifies.
Another method of maintaining an up beat personality is constant affirmation. Tell yourself continuously that you are joyful, confident and happy. At first your mind might recognise it as a ”bug”, after some time it becomes part of you. This method can be used for anything you desire. Constantly repeat what you want to yourself and the manifestations will begin to show with time.

If you have a special skill or talent, work on improving yourself. People want to identify with individuals who are lofty. It makes them feel good to associate with you if you have a natural skill to showcase. It is important to be subtle with showing off what you can do .Maintain a seemingly low profile and let others sing your praises. They ‘ll be the ones to call others to you.

It helps to win admiration if to some extent , you are self sacrificial. Maybe you can lease a little of your time to help someone in need or give a gift to someone who needs it. This definitely earns you respect and admiration because people are naturally wired to be selfish. You do not have to be a “doormat” to be self sacrificial. You could just acknowledge a colleagues’ dressing or lend a helping hand or even offer information. All of these add up to the way people perceive you.

Staying independent, being unconventional can win you admiration amidst your peers. People tend to stick to laid down rules. If you can get things done independently in a new way without showing arrogance, you would definitely win the respect of your peers.
It is important not to babble about your accomplishments. People are drawn to mystery, maintain a low profile, be humble and you ;ll see the effect of your actions
To wrap it up, winning admiration is a life long process. We continue to learn what works and what does not ,as each day comes.

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