Tuesday, November 11, 2008


The art of dating is as old as the existence of man, it is an art which can be learnt and mastered like any other skill. The good thing about learning this art is the fact that it applies to both sexes, methods that apply to the male, with slight modifications, also apply to the female.

You may wonder what is there to this dating thing. Good question and a surprising one at that! Surprising because it is supposed to be a natural phenomena. In the dating scene, the brain responds by sending a regular jolt of phenyl ethyl alamine (PEA) into your blood stream this is actually what causes the strong emotional vibrations one encounters with the opposite sex.

The first thing one has to be mindful of in the dating game is the appearance; both physical and mental. These two go hand in hand. If you dress like you are poor and you don’t care, you probably are. It is not compulsory you are decked up to the nines in gold, what is important is that you put on clean, fitting cloths with good shoes. Research has it that the first thing women look at in a man’s dressing is his shoes. This theory might not apply to the women folk, but it does more good and no harm if you compliment your dressing with nice shoes.

Nice smelling cologne would also help in boosting your image and self confidence to potential lovers, help can be solicited in using things like these if you are not used to them, before you get a grip of things. Other things to be mindful of is the care of the hair, nails and teeth.

All these add up to the way you are perceived at first sight, remember-first impressions do last. This is necessary in registering your presence without saying a word, after you have taken care of this, you then follow up with other moves, it basically makes your
target more receptive.

Knowing fully well that human beings are more receptive to what they see, it is very advisable at the early stages to bombard your targets ‘visual sense more. This can be done in a variety of ways.
You could haunt the periphery in the best way known to you
Displaying of talents and gifts in the subtlest of ways
Putting up a show of independence and walking tall
Showing great aplomb even in dangerous situations.
Settings up a scenario whereby your target will surely see you emerge victor or victim.

All of these and a lot more can be done by anybody. The crux of the mater is making your presence felt and not getting lost in the crowd.

One simple way of registering your presence to your target is through your eyes.
It is said that the eyes are the window of the soul, they speak volumes even when the mouth is shut. This can be employed in a variety of ways:

You could stay at a vantage point where you are sure you target will see you and lock eyes with the person concerned. At first it might not make any sense, but after a while your target will sense that someone is staring. It is important at this point to fill your mind with good thoughts, to ensure that your eyes do not belie ferociousness. Once you get the attention of your target hold your gaze for a few more seconds. This might need some repetition before you successfully get your targets’ brain to release the first shot of Phenyl ethyl alamine.At this point your target mind will be bubbling with questions----you would have successfully registered your presence without saying anything

Everybody likes good things. Only a psychotic would want less. Things that attract include; the ability to meet a need , the display of a special skill or talent, looks and appearance, wealth ,among others.

The fact that one is not so endowed by nature does not mean that one is not a potential lover. What counts most is the personality of the person involved. Going after a target is good, but half the problem is solved if you can project a magnetic field around yourself that make you appear endearing to your target.

Some of these qualities are not within our control, for example, you might not win the lottery overnight, neither will you grow six feet tall within a week. The only thing within your control as an individual is your personality
A good ,engaging and challenging personality can be developed even if it takes a little time. First of all eliminate all negative self talk. Positive affirmation helps to build confidence- a trait attractive to anybody. A humorous personality is also very good, it is said that laughter is contagious, people tend to crowd around those that make them feel good. If you have a skill that makes you to stand out, develop it, if not, work more on improving your personality.

With all of these in place you should not be afraid to make the first move. Extreme care must be taken so as not to come off as needy as this might signal insecurity to your target .there is an art to knowing when to retreat.


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